Master of Public Administration (MPA), Concentration in Criminal Justice Administration


The Master of Public Administration, Criminal Justice Administration concentration, housed in the Political Science Department, provides students with advanced theory and practical skills necessary to confront and help resolve the complex problems associated with the American criminal justice system. This concentration offers both general and specialized courses by WSU full-time and adjunct faculty in the Criminal Justice department. Students will gain expertise in the design and evaluation of criminal justice. 

This program provides a quality graduate degree that is affordable, responsive to local workforce needs and is accessible to working part-time commuting students.

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Program Description

The Master of Public Administration, Policy and Civic Engagement program guides students in the development of leadership and management skills essential to a successful career in local, state or national public service. This includes learning how to effectively: lead employees and volunteers; navigate political systems to obtain agency support from elected officials; interact with government, nonprofit and private partners; engage diverse populations. The MPA program is affordable, responsive to local workforce needs and accessible to working part-time commuting students.

The Master of Public Administration (MPA) degree is an interdisciplinary program housed in the department of Political Science and supported by faculty in the departments of: Communications; Criminal Justice; Economics and Business Management; Geography, Planning, and Sustainability; Nursing; Sociology.

Program Objectives

The primary purpose of this Master's Degree program is to transmit to students the knowledge and skills necessary for the effective and efficient administration of public and non-profit agencies. The program goal is to train people for leadership positions in the public sector, with a particular emphasis on the development of core knowledge areas and administrative skills. Specifically, the program is designed to promote:

  1. The development of an advanced grasp of the nature of public administration and its function within the American political system; this includes a knowledge of the process by which public policy is created and implemented at the local, state and federal levels of government;
  2. Advanced knowledge of the principles, theories and practices related to directing a complex public-sector organization. Specifically:
    1. a grasp of the principles and practices of organizational behavior and leadership;
    2. advanced knowledge of the principles and practices of budgeting and public finance;
    3. an advanced understanding of the legal environment affecting public sector management.
  3. The development of organizational and managerial skills necessary to direct a complex public organization, including:
    1. skills critical for successful human resources management;
    2. strategic planning and problem-solving skills;
    3. quantitative and qualitative program evaluation techniques;
    4. interpersonal skills and an understanding of group dynamics.
  4. The development of quantitative analytical techniques, statistical methods, and qualitative research competencies relevant for public management.
  5. An awareness of ethical issues affecting the public sector.
  6. A concentration of study in one of four areas: non-profit management, public management, criminal justice administration, or public healthcare administraion.
Admission Requirements

Applications for admission will be evaluated based on:

  • Official transcripts indicating a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university.
  • A minimum 2.8 GPA overall or minimum 3.0 GPA for the last two years of undergraduate studies.
  • A satisfactory GRE or MAT score is recommended if it will strengthen the application.
  • A narrative statement (of approximately 350 words) about your professional goals, academic experience, work experience and other factors that support your application.
  • Three letters of recommendation. At least one academic recommendation is suggested.

Applicants with significant professional experience or special qualifications who do not meet minimum admission standards will be considered on an individual basis.

Program Requirements - 36 Credits

The MPA program at 黑料网 centers in seven required core courses (21 credits) and 15 credits of substantial specialization. Our core is informed by the NASPAA curriculum guidelines described in their "Standards for Professional Masters Degree Programs". As such, our core courses cover the essential areas of knowledge or skill necessary for public sector management. Overall, the MPA curriculum requires students to complete 36 credit hours within six years, comparable to other programs nationally and in the state.

Core Courses - 21 Credits

Specialized Tracks - 15 Credits

Each student will complete a 15 credit specialization in one of the following areas: (1) Criminal Justice Administration, (2) Public Management, (3) Non-Profit Management or (4) Public Healthcare Administration. 

Criminal Justice Administration Track - 15 Credits

Select at least three of the following (may substitute from other CRJU graduate course offerings as approved by an assigned advisor):

  •  Select no more than two of the following (may substitute from other graduate course offerings as approved by an assigned advisor):

Because completion of the Capstone Experience validates and demonstrates mastery of curricular objectives, there will be no comprehensive examination requirement for students in the public administration program.

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