Physical Education PreK-8 and 5-12, Initial, Post-baccalaureate Licensure

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This program affords many students who have completed a bachelor's degree the opportunity to earn initial licensure.

Our vision is the outgrowth of community discussions among education faculty, liberal arts and science faculty, students, and prek-12 teachers. Central to all conversations has been the tenet of building learning communities, including the desire to strengthen the ability of teachers to advocate for their students and their profession. At a time of increased accountability, the larger 黑料网 learning community continues its commitment to prepare graduates to educate the children of the Commonwealth. Consequently, all our Teacher Education Programs embrace a vision of Teachers as Leaders Building Learning Communities.


Requirements for a Teaching Licensure in Physical Education

PROFESSIONAL SEQUENCE鈥 Elementary PreK-8 or Secondary 5-12

MOVP0103 Intro to Teaching P.E.*
MOVP0260 (MOVP0261) Analysis of Teaching Selected P.E.Skills I Elementary (Secondary)
MOVP0262 Analysis of Teaching Selected P.E. Skills II
MOVP0302 Measurement and Evaluation in P.E.
MOVP0311 Adaptive P.E.*
MOVP0313 (MOVP0314) P.E. Teaching Methodology* Elementary (Secondary)
MOVP0316 Curriculum Planning and Implementation in P.E.
EDUC0380/0580 Multicultural Education
MOVP0355 Practicum Seminar
MOVP0348/0349 Practicum I & II: Elementary鈥ㄢ伜
MOVP0350/0352 Practicum I & II: Secondary鈦

Decisions regarding coursework in the academic major are based on a student鈥檚 academic record, performance on the Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL), previous college coursework or other related professional experience reflective of the student having met state and national standards.

See Appendix D for academic subject matter coursework.

It is important for a student to meet with an academic advisor as early as possible to determine a program of study.

*Field experience required
鈦篜lease note: To receive licensure in both 5-8 and 8-12, students must complete a student teaching practicum for each grade level. This practicum may be outside of the student's program of study and may require additional credits.


Post-baccalaureate Program Leading to an Initial Teaching License


黑料网 has a history and abiding commitment of preparing educators who serve the educational needs of prekindergarten through secondary school students in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Our teacher education programs embrace this vision, Education Leaders Building Inclusive Learning Communities, a vision grounded in our department's 5 foundational pillars: Critical Engagement with Diversity, Community Building, Social Justice, Scholarship, and Reflection. 

黑料网's teacher education programs are approved by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). 黑料网's educator preparation program is fully accredited by the Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation (AAQEP). 黑料网 was awarded full accreditation for seven years in June 2020. AAQEP also awarded our educator preparation program with a commendation for our work in anti-racist education.

Post-baccalaureate programs leading to teaching licensure are offered through the Office of Graduate and Continuing Education, and are designed for individuals holding a baccalaureate degree who wish to obtain an initial teaching license, without obtaining an additional degree.  

Students who satisfactorily complete program requirements leading to a teaching license are recommended for licensure to the Massachusetts Department of Education. Program requirements include completion of all coursework, passage of Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTELs), a demonstrated ability to meet program dispositional standards, and completion of a practicum experience.


Program Description

The post-baccalaureate Physical Education program leads to initial licensure to teach PreK-8 or 5-12 grade levels, but does not confer a degree. Applicants to this program must have:

  • a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited college or university with a GPA of 2.6 or greater;
  • passed the MTEL Communications and Literacy test; and
  • a 2.7 GPA in undergraduate English courses, including English Composition I & II or equivalent.
A. Prerequisite coursework or experience

Content knowledge in the following areas must be documented in the student's undergraduate academic record. Any gaps in coverage must be fulfilled as determined by the student's advisor. Courses referenced below are from the Westfield undergraduate program, but equivalent coursework from another institution will be accepted.

  • MOVP 0100 Introduction to Exercise Science
  • MOVP 0105 Foundations of Movement Science I
  • MOVP 0106 Foundations of Movement Sci. II
  • MOVP 0202 Introduction to Motor Learning
  • MOVP 0203 Motor Development and Behavior
  • MOVP 0204 Kinesiology
B. Required Courses for Licensure
  • EDUC 0380/0580 Theory of Critical Multicultural Education
  • EDUC 0363/0631 Sheltered English Immersion
  • MOVP 0103 Introduction to Teaching Physical Education
  • MOVP 0260 Analysis of Teaching Selected P.E. Skills I: Elementary
  • MOVP 0261 Analysis of Teaching Selected P.E. Skills I: Secondary
  • MOVP 0264 Theory and Practice of Games II: Analysis if Net/Wall and Target Games in Elementary and Secondary Physical Education

  • MOVP 0262 Analysis of Teaching P.E. Skills II
  • MOVP 0302 Measurement & Evaluation in P.E.
  • MOVP 0311 Adaptive Physical Education
  • MOVP 0314 Physical EducationTeaching Methodology: Elementary /Secondary
  • MOVP 0316 Curriculum Planning and Implementation
  • MOVP 0348 Practicum I: Elementary OR
  • MOVP 0350 Practicum I: Secondary

  • MOVP 0349 Practicum II: Elementary OR
  • MOVP 0352 Practicum II: Secondary
  • MOVP 0355 Practicum Seminar: Physical Education
Additional Requirements

A 30-hour diversity experience is required before or during practicum.

Students must pass the required MTEL subject matter test (Physical Education), and have a GPA of 2.8, for admission to practicum.

A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7 in the concentration and a minimum grade of 2.7 or higher in MOVP 0313 Physical Education Teaching Methodology: Elementary/MOVP 0314 Physical Education Teaching Methodology: Secondary are required for a practicum placement.

Candidates approved for a practicum must achieve advanced standing which includes the following:

1) complete an application (available from advisor);

2) submit three favorable recommendations from department faculty and two favorable recommendations from supervising practitioners;

3) hold a current First Aid Certificate; 4) demonstrate student membership in a professional society for two years.

Additionally, the student must submit a self-evaluation which includes: a) reasons for choosing the concentration; ; b) contributions made or projected to the field; c) strengths and/or weaknesses; d) a resume listing activities of a professional nature. 

Practicum placements are generally within a 30-mile radius of the university unless otherwise specified and approved.