Teacher Licensure Requirements

The Massachusetts Department of Education Requirements for Teacher Licensure

A two-stage licensure process:

  • Initial
  • Professional

黑料网's Post-baccalaureate Teacher Licensure Program fulfills Massachusetts requirements for initial licensure. See our for programs leading to initial master's or professional licensure.

All prospective teachers must have a bachelors degree from an accredited college or university. All candidates for teacher licensure must pass all portions of the Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL).

  1. Reading /writing section which shall demonstrate the communication and literacy skills necessary for effective instruction and communication; and
  2. the appropriate subject matter test for licensure
  3. the foundations of reading test which is required of students seeking early childhood, elementary, or students with moderate disabilities licensure.

Candidates must successfully complete courses that address the Professional Standards set forth in the regulations for educator licensure

  1. Coursework
  2. Field-based experiences in varied setting and integrated into courses
  3. Supervised practicum in the field and at the grade level for the license sought

Candidates must show evidence of sound moral character

Information regarding the Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL)

Testing dates and registration deadlines are listed in the Registration Bulletin for the Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure. The registration bulletin, study guides and test objectives are accessible at and

Bulletins and study guides will be mailed to you if you call 413-256-2892.

Copies of the registration bulletin may be picked up in the Office of Graduate and Continuing Education (Second Floor Scanlon Hall) or in the Education Department Office (Parenzo Hall 216).

Study guides and test objectives are also on reserve in the 黑料网 Library.

Post-baccalaureate students completing programs leading to teacher licensure must meet program outcomes outlined by the college's academic major, state and national standards.

All students seeking teacher licensure must possess a bachelors degree from an accredited college or university.

Students in elementary, early childhood and special needs programs must meet with their education advisor to determine the coursework necessary to complete an approved licensure program. In addition to meeting with an education advisor, students in middle (5-8), secondary (8-12), and special education (5-12) must meet with subject matter advisors to determine coursework necessary to meet subject matter requirements for licensure. Art, music, and physical education students must meet with subject matter advisors to determine coursework necessary to meet subject matter requirements for licensure.

Decisions regarding coursework are based on student's prior academic record, performance on the Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL), previous college coursework, or other related professional experience reflective of the student having met state and national standards for specific licensure.

The Master of Education which leads to initial licensure is available to students who are seeking licensure as an Elementary Teacher, 1-6, an Early Childhood Teacher, PreK-2, a Teacher of Students with Moderate Disabilities, PreK-8, Teacher of Students with Moderate Disabilities, 5-12, Teacher of Biology, 8-12, Teacher of Chemistry, 8-12, Teacher of General Science, 5-8, Teacher of History, 5-8 and 8-12, Teacher of Mathematics, 5-8 and 8-12. The Master of Arts in English with Initial Licensure as a Teacher of English, 5-8 and 8-12 is also available.

Please note: To receive licensure in both 5-8 and 8-12, students must complete a student teaching practicum for each grade level. This practicum may be outside of the student's program of study and may require additional credits.