Students - Information Technology Services
Username and Password
Your username is comprised of the following: first initial + last name (up to 15 characters) + last four numbers of your college-wide ID. (e.g. tsmith5678) Your initial password is your campus-wide ID. You will be forced to change it upon first login.
The above username and password are used as your e-mail address (e.g., your log-on to myWestfield, and your log-on to all computers on campus.
Email Mailbox Retention
黑料网 will retain your Email Inbox for two semesters past your graduation date. If you wish to retain your email account after you graduate please contact our helpdesk at or 413-572-4357.
Residence Halls Internet Access
Every room in our residence halls has at least one data outlet for Internet access. All of our Residence Halls have wireless Internet access as well. To register on our network, simply connect to the resnet wireless network or plug your computer into an Internet outlet on the wall and open a web browser. You will be brought to our Campus Manager registration page. Simply follow the instructions and you will be online in no time!
IMPORTANT! Campus Manager checks to see if your computer has the latest software and virus protection updates and also that your computer is free of viruses. If these criteria are not met, Campus Manager will not allow your computer on the network.
Wireless Internet Access
To access our Wireless network, simply follow the instructions on how to connect to a wireless network that came with your laptop. The name of our wireless network in the Academic Buildings is 'eduRoam'. If you live in the residence halls, use the wireless network 'resnet'.
Technical support is limited to the network card, the software accompanying the network card, our Campus Manager software and the actual network itself. Our residential network support staff can be reached at ext. 5528. Hardware and software related issues must be handled by the manufacturer.
Recommended Hardware and Software
We do not require that you purchase a computer when you come to campus. Almost 85% of our students do decide to bring a computer with them to campus. If you decide not to bring a computer, we have over 250 public computers for your use in our labs. If you do decide to bring a computer to campus, we ask that you keep the following in mind:
- A Windows or Macintosh computer will work just fine on our campus
- Your computer's operating system must have the latest updates and patches
- Your anti-virus software must have the latest updates and virus definitions; we will provide an anti-virus solution if your computer does not have any protection
- Your computer must contain a network card
- Peer-to-peer file sharing is prohibited on campus; make sure your computer is free of all peer-to-peer software or your computer will not be allowed on the network
My Schedule, Grades, Financial Aid, etc.
These online services can be accessed from any personal computer. Simply enter in your browser, log-on using your username and password and select the 'Academics' tab.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q.) What do I do if I forget my password or my password does not work?
Simply visit the IT Support Desk in the Campus Library with a picture ID, and we can reset it for you.
Q.) Can I use my Video Game Console on the campus network?
Yes. Simply e-mail the MAC address of your console to For instructions on how to locate your console's MAC address, .
Q.) How do I check my 黑料网 e-mail?
Log into our e-mail server . Your username and password are described at the beginning of this page.
Q.) How do I set up my voicemail in my room?
When setting up your voicemail for the first time, dial 8190, use 123456 as your initial password and follow the tutorial.
Q.) I have heard that I can purchase Microsoft software at a substantial discount. Is this true?
Yes. Please visit our e-academy site at , and follow the instructions.